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Welcome To Our https://www.helptogujarati.com/website name is helping to Gujarati Education. We Provide Educational Instruction. academic, Jobs, Government Jobs Information, privet Jobs Information, General Knowledge, Public Knowledge, and daily Gujarati News and Hindi News in Gujarat.
I am Tried to Give the offer to Provide to Present to Administer to Allow to Convey to grant to Relinquish you all News like.
This is Publish Our Website to Education News, Education Circular, Gujarati Education, Ebooks, GCERT Textbook. We Never Put Any Kind of Adult Materials.
Education Information About This Site
Does your child study in a private school?
Home Learning Video std 3 to 12
If today's home learning is not TV.
Home Learning 31/07/2020 via YouTube
Home Learning Video date 31/07/2020 via YouTube and Diksha portal
Home Learning Time table DD Girnar August 2020 This post we provide Information about HOME LEARNING TIME TABLE DD GIRNAR August 2020. HOME LEARNING TIME TABLE OF DD GIRNAR August month FOR ALL GUJARAT STUDENT. Girnar Timetable of home learning. DD Girnar std 3 to the 8-time table of August month. std 9 to 12 DD Girnar time table July month. DD Girnar Prasaran time table of July month. std 3 to 12 DD Girnar Prasaran time table.
Home Learning Time table DD Girnar August 2020
Today date of 26-6-20 and today released the new time table of dd Girnar Prasaran. DD Girnar Home Learning New time table. Home Learning time table in August 2020.DD Girnar Prasaran std 3 to 12 August month new time table.
Time TABLE STD 3 TO 12 OF DD Girnar Prasaran August 2020 09.00 to 09.30: STD 3 09.30 to 10.00 ; STD 4 10.00 to 10.30 STD 5 10.30 to 11.00 STD 6 11.30 to 12.00 STD 7 02.30 to 03.00 STD 8 12.00 to 01.00 STD 9/10
The home learning program will start from 15-6-2020.
std 3 to 5 August Month time table
Virtual classrooms are planned. To ensure that children are not deprived of education, the teacher has to call his students every day and do homework with the book and learn from home learning and seek the help of local teachers to be monitored by CRC BRC. Students need to learn something new in their studies. Attended 1,13,000 online courses by teachers. The main goal is for the student to learn useful things in life and get away from the curb.
Arrangements have been made for textbook distribution for online learning. There will be a broadcast on television for which a nice video has been made and a timesheet has been made which has been circulated. Virtual classrooms will provide education to 22 lakh students at home from Microsoft, according to NCERT. The QR code is given in the textbook. How children get an education is very important. It is very important to do a careful assessment. To put the efforts of teachers in the workplace. Certificates for congratulations to teachers who have done well in this regard, taking into account online operations, QR codes, teaching children differently, parental contact awareness. Calls will start coming from CCC, in which feedback will have to be given.
new Time table of Home Learning
The Mission School of Excellence project has received approval from the World Bank. 15000 schools are made world-class.
Students from private schools will be arranged to come to the government school. Admission test of students who have passed Std. 5 in Model School will be done and all will be admitted in Model School and KGBV.
In this post, we are provide Information about New Education Policy in Gujarat and all India state
Central Cabinet approves a new education policy It will be announced today. HRD ministry renamed as education ministry: a decision taken at a cabinet meeting
New education policy Some Important point
1) SSRA (State School Regulatory Authority) will be formed whose chiefs will be associated with the education department. 2) Will run 4 years integrated BEd, 2 year BEd, or 1 year B Ed course. 3) Pre-primary education under ECCE (Early Childhood Care and Education) through Anganwadi and schools. 4) TET will apply up to the secondary level. 5) Teachers will be removed from non-academic functions, only election duty will be imposed, teachers will be removed from BLO duty, MDM we will also be removed from teachers. 6) SCMC i.e. School Complex Management Committee will be formed with SMC / SDMC in schools. 7) Teacher appointment will also include demo/skill test and interview. 8) A new transfer policy will come in which transfers will be almost closed, transfers will be on promotion only. 9) Staff quarters will be created in rural areas, on the lines of Kendriya Vidyalayas. 10) RTE will be implemented till class 12 or till the age of 18 years. 11) A healthy breakfast along with a mid-day meal will also be given in schools. 12) There will be three language-based school education. 13) Foreign language courses will also start in schools. 14) Science and mathematics will be promoted, science or maths subjects will be compulsory in every senior secondary school. 15) The local language will also be the medium of education. 16) NCERT will be the nodal agency in the whole country. 17) Politics and government interference in schools will almost end. 18) There will be a credit-based system that will make it easy and simple to change colleges. In between, any college can be changed. 19) The new education policy will have 4 years BEd only after BEd Inter, 2 years BEd after graduation, 1 year BEd course after Masters.
New education policy - Nai Shiksha Niti
Important Link
New education policy - Nai Shiksha Niti in Gujarat State
This policy emphasizes the importance of early childhood and aims to provide quality primary care and education to all children aged 3-4 years by 205 through drastic investments and new initiatives. B Basic Literacy and Statistical Knowledge Special attention will be given to linguistic and statistical literacy during Std. 1 to 8. The purpose of the policy is to strengthen the basic elemental knowledge and statistical knowledge of every student up to standard and then up to 205.
Curriculum and Teaching:
A New Development for School Education Based on the Principles of Brain Development and Teaching The appropriate curriculum and pedagogical framework is based on P + 2 + 2 + 2 drawing. Equal emphasis will be placed on all subjects in science, social science, arts, languages, sports, mathematics with the integration of professional and educational standards in the school.
Universal Outreach:
The objective of this policy is to achieve a 100% total enrollment ratio for education in various schools by 2020. Ch. Equal and Universal Education: This policy is very much dedicated to ensuring that no opportunity to learn and progress is lost due to birth or background circumstances. A special education sector will be set up to focus on this. Is. Teachers will be recruited through strong, transparent processes, promotions will be based on merit as well as periodic assessments from various sources and a progressive path to becoming an educational administrator or teacher professor will be available. School Management Schools will be organized in school complexes (a group of 10-20 public schools) - this will be the basic unit of governance and administration that will have access to all the resources - structure, education (e.g. libraries) and people (e.g. arts and music) Teachers) - with a strong professional teacher community. Regulation of schools: Regulation and operation of schools will be carried out by separate bodies to avoid conflicts of interest. There will be clear, separate mechanisms for policymaking, regulation, operations and educational matters.
Higher education
The new structure has been conceived with a new vision for higher education and a vast, resourceful, dynamic variety of structures - with scholarship institutions. The existing 200 universities and 50,000 colleges will be integrated into about 15,000 excellent institutions.
Liberal Education:
Extensively based liberal arts education at the undergraduate level for integrated, wide-ranging interactions in the fields of science, arts, humanities, mathematics, and business. :
Institutional governance will be based on autonomy - academic, administrative, and financial. Each higher education institution will be governed by an independent board.
The regulation will be light but tight to ensure financial viability and public sentiment. Standard arrangements, funding, recognition, and regulation will be undertaken by independent bodies to address conflicts of interest. Teacher education Teacher preparation programs will be rigorous and will be held in dynamic, multi-disciplinary higher education institutions. 3 - Year Integrated Stage - Subject offered in specialized, multi-disciplinary institutions - Special graduate teacher is the main way to become a teacher. Substandard and dysfunctional teacher education institutions will be closed. Vocational education All vocational education will become an integral part of the higher education system. Technical universities alone, health science universities, legal and agricultural universities, or institutions in other fields will be closed. Vocational education will be an integral part of all this education - the aim of this policy is to provide vocational education to at least 50% of all students by 205. National Research Institute A new unit will be set up across the country to generate and expand research and innovation. TECHNOLOGY PROCEDURE IN TEACH The policy aims to improve classroom performance, support teacher professional development, increase educational access for disadvantaged groups, and streamline educational planning, administration, and management through appropriate technical coordination at all levels of education. Adult Education The objective of this policy is to achieve 100% of youth and adult literacy by 2020. Promotion of Indian Languages This policy will ensure the protection, development, and dissemination of all Indian languages. Financial education will make the significant public investment to expand and give importance to public education. National Education Commission The National Education Commission or National Education Commission will be formed under the leadership of the Prime Minister - who will be the guardian of the vision of education in India.
STD 3 TO 12 HOME LEARNING VIDEO DD Girnar prasaran date 29-7-20
This post we are providing Information about Std 3 to 12 DD Girnar Home Learning Video 29/7/20. Home Learning study materials Video 29-7-20.DD Girnar Home Learning study materials video link. std 3 to 12 all video of date 29/7/20. std 3 to 12 home learning materials video youtube link and Diksha portal link. std 3 to 12 home learning video collection of DD Girnar Prasaran.
Welcome To Our https://www.helptogujarati.com/ website name is helping to Gujarati Education. We Provide Educational Instruction. academic, Jobs, Government Jobs Information, privet Jobs Information, General Knowledge, Public Knowledge, and daily Gujarati News and Hindi News in Gujarat.
STD 3 TO 12 HOME LEARNING VIDEO DD Girnar prasaran date 29-7-20
GCERT is the abbreviation of the Gujarat council for educational research and training. this is an educational organization of Gujarat state.gujarat state textbooks are prepared by this organization.
You can online view or download GCERT standard 12 Artsbooks from this page.GCERT textbooks are freely available by the GCERT board and anyone can download these books free from cost.
How to use of GCERT textbooks
In a lockdown, you can download all textbooks and read them. download these textbooks for your son for Std 12 Science in Gujarati medium.
I am Tried to Give the offer to Provide to Present to Administer to Allow to Convey to grant to Relinquish you all News like.
This is Publish Our Website to Education News, Education Circular, Gujarati Education, Ebooks, GCERT Textbook. We Never Put Any Kind of Adult Materials.
Education Information About This Site
Does your child study in a private school?
Is their current online education closed?
Are you worried about your children's studies?
If you have all these worries, be sure because schools are closed, not education ...
Yes, the state government is trying to teach the children of all government schools in a very beautiful way online as well as through TV broadcasts in a very beautiful way ...
If your children's learning is deteriorating, you can also take advantage of online education for free ...
Online learning videos with standard time activity are posted every day.
If you want to do homework for the children after the study as well as evaluate them, you will also get that link regularly.
Just visit the following link as per the norm and all the studies have done so far in online and TV broadcasts are available by date ...
Home Learning Video std 3 to 12
If today's home learning is not TV, then the direct video can be watched by clicking on the link as per standard in mobile.
Home Learning 29/07/2020 via YouTube
Student friends, get today's online education by opening the link given below your standard through YouTube.
Home Learning Video date 28/07/2020 via YouTube and Diksha portal
SAS MA ARIAS BIIL UPDATE KARVA BABAT NO LATEST PARIPATRA Salary of Primary Teachers and all other arrears bills to be updated in SAS in a timely manner latest paripatra Subjects: - Salary of Primary Teachers and all other arrears bills to be updated in SAS in a timely manner. Salary allowance and all other arrears bills are paid through School Administration Software (SAS) from 01/04/2019. Accordingly, the grant of next month's salary allowance will be allotted according to the expenses of that month as registered district-wise. The concerned District Primary Education Officer / Govt. Officer will be responsible if any details are pending to be updated and due to which the cost will be less. No replacement grant will be allotted thereafter. Take special note of this. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the concerned Taluka Primary Education Officer, Govt. Will remain. All Districts Vadodara Salary allowance of your taluka employees as per the details of the above letter, and all other supplementary bills which will be allotted next month's grant according to the expenses registered on that month's portal and any of your talukas.
Details should not be updated on the portal and the details of expenses should be verified on the portal and the amount paid should be paid only after updating on the portal. If there is any mistake in updating the data on the SAS portal, any future question will be your personal responsibility which is worth taking serious note of. District Administrative Education Officer District Education Committee, Vadodara al CS Scanned with CamScanner
CCC pass Tarikh thi nahi pan Mul tarikh thi Uchchatar pagar dhoran apava babat ajo latest paripatra
Matter of approving higher pay scale from the date of original eligibility to the officers who have passed the CCC / CCC + examination of commuter skills.
Introduction: Officers/employees appointed in the government service during the probationary period as well as during the probationary period under the rules and regulations of computer skills training and examination formulated from the declaration on rank. (1). In order to get a higher salary standard, it is necessary to pass the relevant CCC / CCC + examination of commuter skills. Also, the procedure for training and examination for "commuter skills" has been decided by the resolution on the order (2) taken from the above reading. Examination of CCC / CCC + related to computer skills by adopting a liberal attitude by the Government so as not to be deprived of getting. Provision was made at the outset that the promotion / higher pay scale can be sanctioned on the condition of passing by 31/03/2007. With a view to ensuring that Government Employees / Officers continue to enjoy the benefits of promotion / higher pay scale, in the interest of Government Employees / Officers, the period for passing the CCC / CCC + examination of Computer Skills was extended from time to time by the Government. The deadline for passing this commuter skill test was extended till 31/12/2013, and then with the resolution on the order (2) taken in the aforesaid reading, the government approved from 01/01/2014 to 30/06/2016. Provision has been made for government employees who have passed the CCC / CCC examination of computer skills taken by the examination centers to be eligible for a higher pay scale from the date of eligibility for a higher pay scale. But then instructions have been published that from the date on which the examination is passed, subject to fulfillment of other conditions, a higher pay scale will be available. Therefore, according to the re-submitted representation in this regard, the matter of sanctioning a higher pay scale to the government employees/officers from the date of original eligibility even after 30/06/2016 was under consideration of the Government. Careful consideration is finally decided as follows. (1) In case of government employees/officers who have not been able to pass the CCC / CCC + examination of computer skills till 30/06/2016, in their case they have to go to the government between 01/07/2016 to 31/12/2020. If they have passed the CCC / CCC + examination of computer skills taken by the recognized examination centers and are satisfied with other provisions for a higher pay scale, they will be eligible for a higher pay scale from the date of eligibility of their higher pay scale. (2) In case of passing CCC / CCC + examination of computer skills taken during the period 01/07/2016 to 31/12/2020 and the benefit of a higher pay scale has been sanctioned from the date of passing the examination, the higher It will have to be approved from the date of eligibility of pay scale. Important link Of This Post
(3) Subject to fulfillment of other conditions from the date on which government employees/officers will pass the CCC / CCC + examination of computer skills after 31/12/2020, they will be eligible for a higher pay scale. These provisions include state service; The same will apply to the officers/employees of Panchayat Service and State Government-owned Boards / Corporations. These orders are published on the file of the same number of the General Administration Department with the approval of the Government
SALA SARU KARAVA BABAT AJANA LATEST NEWS REPORT A guideline with three options of three months will be prepared. Between the proposal to start schools in the state from September to November, a decision will be taken in which month to start at the end of the discussion. Planning to start schools A final decision on this issue will be taken on Thursday regarding academic workdays, vacation days, local holidays, planning of Gujarat examination at Gandhinagar, planning of curriculum, meeting at the office of Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Ready was held. A second meeting of the schools will be called at this meeting. The MIRD, on the other hand, has been making a total of three options to start deciding at this meeting since August. It has been decided to meet again to consider starting schools by October to prepare guidelines in this regard. Opinions are sought. Will be called. September, October, and November as per the instructions of the Minister of Education. The decision to start the school will be taken with the representatives of the state in the month of November out of these three months considering the situation at that time. The conference was held on September 14 if the schools can start the video of the central government in the first, second, and month respectively. If the third option is implemented, the educational working days and the states will come in August-September. SALA SARU KARAVA BABAT AJANA LATEST NEWS REPORT
In the guideline that is likely to be started for the schools to start the curriculum prepared according to this option, the planning ready dates were announced mainly as per option-1. Academic workdays, vacations will be done. If schools can be started in October, days, local holidays, examinations can be done in Gujarat. If the government has not yet taken any decision as per the curriculum and the schools have not taken any decision in November, this video planning will be decided. If it can be started, it was stated at the conference.
Akam Kashoti Barbate Latest Official News Unit Tests Planning Concessions Kovid-19 Epidemic Meanwhile, various home learning efforts have been undertaken by the education department of the state government to ensure continuity in education despite the closure of schools. Textbooks have been distributed to the students. Students of Std. 1 to 8 are also given a 'Learn at Home' booklet every month. Virtual classrooms are also run in many schools. In addition, educational programs can also be viewed on the Vande Gujarat channel and YouTube channel. According to the education department, continuous evaluation. Akam Kashoti Barbate Latest Official News Official news Read news bellow Images
Akam Kashoti Barbate Latest Official News
It is part of the teaching-learning process, on the basis of which remedial learning can be done by knowing the student's raw material. This unit test is not a formal examination, but part of continuous assessment. In addition to the ray teacher, educated parents can also give necessary guidance to their children by knowing their raw material. In addition to this therapeutic education, one of the objectives is to make necessary changes under 'Home Learning Programs'. The next date by the education department of the state government. A unit test has been organized for all the students of Std. 9 to 12 during 9-30 July but intensive consideration has been given by the state government regarding the submissions received from various teacher unions and schools regarding the delivery of print out of the test to the students as well as returning the written answers to the students. Was done and some concessions have been made in the planning of the unit test keeping in view the local situation. As print outs of the unit test cannot be delivered to every student, it can also be delivered through social media. Every student has textbooks. By scanning the first QR Code given in the first lesson of Std. 6th to 8th language and mathematics textbooks, the unit test question paper can also be seen. Question papers can also be viewed on the websites of GCERT and GSHSB. Thus, unit tests up to students. Other facilities have been provided for delivery. Delivery of print out of these tests, writing of answers to the questions by the student, submission of the notebook of the answers written by the student to the school, etc. can be completed by 10th August instead of 31st July keeping in view the local situation.
This post we are providing Information about Std 3 to 12 DD Girnar Home Learning Video 28/7/20. Home Learning study materials Video 28-7-20.DD Girnar Home Learning study materials video link. std 3 to 12 all video of date 28/7/20. std 3 to 12 home learning materials video youtube link and Diksha portal link. std 3 to 12 home learning video collection of DD Girnar Prasaran. HOME LEARNING TIME TABLE OF DD GIRNAR july 2020 Welcome To Our help to gujarati website name is helping to Gujarati Education. We Provide Educational Instruction. academic, Jobs, Government Jobs Information, privet Jobs Information, General Knowledge, Public Knowledge, and daily Gujarati News and Hindi News in Gujarat.
www.kaisekyakare.net site is to provide Education Information news. Does your child study in a private school? Is their current online education closed? Are you worried about your children's studies? If you have all these worries, be sure because schools are closed, not education ... Yes, the state government is trying to teach the children of all government schools in a very beautiful way online as well as through TV broadcasts in a very beautiful way ... If your children's learning is deteriorating, you can also take advantage of online education for free ... Online learning videos with standard time activity are posted every day. If you want to do homework for the children after the study as well as evaluate them, you will also get that link regularly. Just visit the following link as per the norm and all the studies have done so far in online and TV broadcasts are available by date ...
Home Learning Video std 3 to 12
If today's home learning is not TV, then the direct video can be watched by clicking on the link as per standard in mobile. Home Learning 28/07/2020 via YouTube Student friends, get today's online education by opening the link given below your standard through YouTube.
Home Learning Video date 28/07/2020 via YouTube and Diksha portal